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EE长文:输掉WCA是因为根本没训练 我需要度假

15-12-23 NGA.潇博

EE长文:输掉WCA是因为根本没训练 我需要度假








Q:Who would you have more faith in becoming good: the player who's been 5k mmr since he started playing (for three years) or the player who started at 1k mmr then rose to 4k over one year?

A:neither have any hope. I think a pro player who hasn't touched a moba should be able to get 4k in 2 months and get 6k in a year




EDIT: About the MMR/Pro player question

You can say that I'm full of shit or whatever and hey you might be right. I didn't get those numbers from my own path or from talking to other pros. You don't need to believe me. But I for sure ain't taking time to answer ASK.FM questions for my fans without putting some thought into the questions Iamanswering. And I ain't answering questions just to appear "active." These answers are what I truly think and I ain't the type to carelessly answer questions. And unless people know easily that I'm joking I ain't usually joking either.

I don't care if you have had previous experience or not. If your goal is to become a pro player and you can't hit top 200 on the ladder within a year (around 6k currently) then give up on that goal and play for fun. I believe that any current pro player can easily hit ~7.5k mmr in any region if that was their goal. And that should be any aspiring pro player's goal before joining a team. Climbing the ladder (not MMR fuck that shit it inflates) isn't linear. Getting from top 2000 to top 200 in 2 months doesn't mean you'll be top 1 in another two months. I climbed from some unknown number mb 50000 to top 500 inNASC2 in a month. Then it took me 2 months to get top 200-300.

You can't just go about getting 5k (top infinite) to 6k in another year (top 200) then getting 7k in another year (top 100) then you start trying to join teams and shit and hopefully you make it in another year and BOom thats 4 fucking years of your life gone.







