魔兽世界 > 新闻公告 > 正文


15-10-12 Exelan


  在9月11日当天,新王者Method公会部分成员退出公会并建立新公会Serenity,当然Method公会不可能因为这一挫折而就此沉沦,Method与世界第六击杀史诗阿克蒙德的Rapid Eye Movement公会合并!他们强强联手,争夺未来的世界首杀!

  T18排名世界第一的公会Method将和世界第六击杀史诗阿克蒙德的Rapid Eye Movement(简称REM)公会合并,保留Method公会名,转服至欧服塔伦米尔服务器,继续争夺未来魔兽世界的世界首杀!


  我很高兴的宣布Method将和Rapid Eye Movement公会合并,保留Method公会名。随着版本更迭,REM公会变得越来越有竞争力,并在最近取得了史诗阿克蒙德世界第六的成绩。我和 Rogerbrown与REM公会领导层进行了深入交谈。REM公会是一个拥有很棒玩家的伟大公会,我们的目标是在军团再临版本争取世界第一。




  --- Scott "Sco"原文:

  Hey guys, I am happy to announce that Rapid Eye Movement will be joining forces with Method, playing with the guild name Method. REM has been getting progressively stronger each tier, most recently achieving a world 6th kill on Archimonde. Myself and Rogerbrown have been speaking extensively to the REM guild leadership and they are a great team of highly motivated guys. The goal is to progress hard and push for world first in Legion.

  ?Method will now be on the server Tarren Mill (Horde).

  ?Recruitment is open for all classes, we have a strong, solid, team but if you are an exceptional player and want to be a part of Method then please apply via www.methodwow.com

  Method has been active in the World of Warcraft community for 10+ years and we want to continue this going into Legion. We have a lot to sort out in the coming days/weeks so bear with us, but this is a huge step in the right direction and I am excited for the future! Thanks for your continued support.

  ----Scott “Sco”



新宠"鱼蛋"已实装 说好的奔波儿利丹呢

阿克蒙德再次削弱 魔兽9月11日在线修正

魔兽设计师采访 依然将质量放在首位

